Books by Leandro Herrero
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Work could be remarkable
Homo Imitans
The art of social infection:
Viral Change™ in action
Viral Change™
The alternative to slow, painful
and unsuccessful management
of change in organizations
Disruptive Ideas
10+10+10=1000: the maths of
Viral Change™ that transform
New leaders wanted: now hiring!
12 kinds of people you must find,
seduce hire and create a job for
The Flipping Point
The leader with seven faces
Finding your own ways
to practice
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Viral Change™ Written Material
Viral Change™
The alternative to slow, painful
and unsuccessful management
of change in organizations
New leaders wanted: now hiring!
12 kinds of people you must find,
seduce hire and create a job for
Feed Forward Webinar Series
The Organization now, under new management
WATCH our 5, free webinars as Dr Leandro Herrero and his team of organizational architects, debunk uncontested assumptions and uncover the alternatives, whilst considering why this is even more relevant today in the current exceptional environment.
Have your critical thinking brain, switched on. It’s a serious business. It may also be fun.